Shah Rukh Khan and Dipika Padukon's "Chennai Express" Bollywood movie, which was released on 9th of August 2013, has made a huge income on it's first day. Creating the record break history in Bollywood industry, Chennai Express collected 33.12 crores on Friday and the movie also broke all paid preview records by collecting 6.75 crores on thursday.
According to film critic Taran Adarsh, Thursday preview 6.75 crores, and Friday 33.12 crores nett total 39.87 crores. And he said that this was only for India.
In UK too Chennai Express received a great response, collected £ 258,598 on Friday. And in the US-Canada, Thursday night preview show collects $260,000. It was the highest opening day for a Bollywood movie.
Chennai Express broke the records of "My Name Is Khan", "Kabhie Alvida Na Kehna", "3 Idiots" and "Ek Tha Tiger". It also broke the paid preview record of Amir Khan's "3 Idiots", which was 2.7 crores. Salman Khan's "Ek Tha Tiger" earned 32.93 crores on it's first day. Watch the trailer below.
As it was the only movie released this weekend, I think this is one reason for it's success, but Shah Rukh Khan and Dipika's performance made it a huge success. The Chennai Express opened with 3,500 prints in India and 700 plus prints in other countries.
A South Indian film "Thalaivaa" was also going to release on same day with Chennai Express, but critics were having some objection with the film. Chennai Express is running housefull in places like Kochi were hindi movies are not so watched. The title might be one of the factor for it's success in Tamilnadu, Kochi etc.
These were the facts and figures from the news and the internet. But you can judge the movie by going in theater and watching it yourself.
It is also rumored that Shah Rukh Khan took Superstar Salman Khan's advice and released the film on Eid as single release. I don't know the truth. But I think you should go and watch the movie and tell us in the comments how it was.
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