
Aug 17, 2013

Technology : Now Your Pee Will Charge Your Smartphones

Technology : Now Your Pee Will Charge Your Smartphones

You can't imagine what technology will do in future, because it's discoveries are unpredictable. You can't tell when and how these scientists will discover something.Scientists are continuously working on different ways to find new, long lasting and free energy sources to fulfill the need of energy.

You might be knowing some technologies that are currently generating electricity from natural resources like water, wind or solar energy. But recently, British scientists at Bristol University and Bristol Robotics Laboratory have created a fuel cell that uses urine to generate electricity. Yes your pee can now generate the electricity for your smart phone.

Scientists have created a fuel cell that uses bacteria to break down urine to generate electricity. It's an amazing discovery as no one has yet tried to do this from urine. It's like actually reusing the natural waste to generate electricity.

It's a microbial fuel cell which contains carbon fiber anodes and on that anodes, bacteria is grown. These anodes are placed in ceramic cylinders. When urine is placed inside the cell, the bacteria
breaks down the chemicals in the urine, which creates electrical charge, that is stored in the capacitor.

Currently the size of this new technology is same as that of the car battery. This current model produces enough energy to make cell phones capable of sending a text message, browsing web and making a short phone call. But researchers are trying to make it more compact so that it can be easily carried.

This technology is at its early phases, more is yet to come when everything will be powered with our body heat, natural waste and technology which will fulfill our need for energy in the future.

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